Thursday, December 18, 2008

Women's Wellness Class Assignment Dec. 18th

Greetings Ladies!  Happy Thursday.  I am sick today, therefore you have the opportunity to earn double credit if you complete the assignment and turn it in to Indra.  Use this time to review for retest on the female sexual anatomy tomorrow. 

Go to each website, and write a half of a page of information in your own words about what you learned/studied.  Draw pictures as well.

Do your best.  Write in your own words.  Learn, and take good notes because you never know when you will be able to use them again. I will see you all in class tomorrow...Nicole 

Yoga Class

YOGA CLASS assignment Dec. 18th

Greetings Yogis. Happy Thursday to each of you. I hope this blog is finding you with a smile on your face and in your heart. I am sick today. Therefore, you will have the opportunity to earn double credit if you complete the assignment. Take this opportunity to learn and improve your yoga class.

Creating your own yoga practice. Today you will create your own yoga practice. You must write everything down on paper and turn it into Mary the librarian. Follow all of the directions, learn, and do your best work.

1. Go to the following websites and learn about yoga. Watch the videos, read, and find information for you to use in your own practice.

2. Create your own yoga practice with the following parts. Imagine you are the teacher and you are teaching a class.
a. What is yoga? Give a description. What are the different kinds?
b. What are the benefits of yoga? What do you hope to gain from your practice?
c. What will your mantra be?
e. How will you open the class?
f. What music will you play? (bring in a cd for extra credit and make-up work.)
g. What breathing practice will you do?
h. What will your warm up be?
i. What poses will you have in your practice? Write 10 poses...english name and sandscript name of the pose. What are the benefits of each pose? Write down the verbal directions you will give to the class for each pose. For example: Mountain Pose: "Stand up straight with feet hip width apart under your body. Abdomen is tucked in, pelvis is tucked under, shoulders back and down, hands to your side, eyes face forward chin is parallel with the floor, feet and toes are spread out with weight balanced evenly on all parts of the feet. " Draw a picture of the pose, and tell its benefits.
j. What will your meditation be?
h. What will your focus be? example: trust. What will you read to the class to inspire them?

Do your best. This will be the rough draft for a final project at the end of the cycle. I will see you all tomorrow dressed out and ready to practice Yoga. Namaste ...Nicole

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Assignment #1 Cycle 3

Sexual Internal and External Anatomy

1.  Get a classmates anatomy notes that you wrote a peer review about.   Blog to that person about what you learned from her notes use the Peer Review Guidelines that we have been working on in class.   I read (heard), I noticed, and I wondered?

2.  Go to the teen health website.  You can get to it from my blog.  Read the Female Anatomy Article.  Draw and label a picture of each part of the female reproductive system.  Describe each labeled term in ONE sentence.

3.  Read the article and blog about three new vocabulary words you learned from reading the article.  Use the Peer Review Guidelines to review the article.  

Monday, December 8, 2008

Homework #1

Comment on classmates blog using the Peer Review guidelines
Go to a person's blog in the class that you have not looked at yet.  Use the Peer Review Guidelines to comment on that person's blog.  
Complete this assignment based on the notes and class activities from Mon. Dec. 8th.  If you were not here on Mon. the Peer Review Guidelines link can be found in assignment four.  
Check your most popular email to make sure that you are allowing the comments to go through on your blog.  

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Assignment #5

Web Review
  1. Today you will look at the lower right hand column of my wellness blog for the words Wellness Websites for Students.  Below those words you will see a list of websites.  Click on each website for two minutes to preview it.  Choose two-four of the websites that you would like to explore further.  
  2. Complete the Website Profiler graphic organizer for each website.  Use the HOW TO READ A WEB ADDRESS site to help you answer the Point of View part of the graphic organizer.  
  3. While you are evaluating and learning from the websites, you are looking for information about  
STUDENT CHOICE (whatever you find interesting on the website.)
4.  Take 1-3 quizes on the websites
5.  Play 1-3 games
6.  Blog about what you learned in a new post.  Use your website profiler as a guide.  Be sure to include information about Asthma, Diabetes, and Student Choice.  Give a review of the websites you chose to complete the Website Profiler graphic organizers for. Tell your readers about the quizes you took, and the games you played.  Remember to use proper written English.
7.  Complete Cause and Effect graphic organizer given to you by nicole.
8.  Go back to assignment # 4 and click on the peer review website.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Assignment #4

Post a message on classmates blogs.

  1. Complete Assignments 1-3
  2. Learn how to post a message from Ted and Nicole.
  3. Choose three blogs to view from your peers in the class. Pick the name of one person you know really well, and two other people that you do not know so well.
  4. Do a peer review of the persons blog and post a comment on it. Go to Nicole's blog and click on the person's name to read what she has been writing.

Peer Review/ Commenting Guidelines

peer review website click here to learn how to peer review.

  1. Tell the blogger the most interesting thing you learned from reading the blog.
  2. Are you interested in reading the book or magazine that the blogger wrote about.
  3. Write one or more questions to the blogger about what she wrote.
  4. Tell the blogger what you would like to see on her blog.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Assignment #3 World Aids Day

1. Look for your name on the blog. If it is not there, check with Nicole.

2. Help someone who was not here on Tues. to set up her blog.

3. Complete and Edit Assignment #2. Check to make sure you wrote in complete sentences, proper english (not texting or email writing). Check punctuation and grammer.

4. Complete the world Aids Day assignment.

World Aids Day December 1st
World Aids Day Website

Blog about what you learned from the website.
Anwer the following questions
1. What does HIV and AIDS stand for?
2. List all of the ways that HIV is transmitted.
3. What action can you take to prevent the spread of HIV AIDS?
4. Choose one of the fact sheets and share the infrormation that you learned from it on your blog.
5. Share this blog with a friend, or a relative to educate him or her about the HIV epedemic

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Assignment #2

- Yesterday you read books of your choice and wrote down the important information that you learned.  
-Today you will publish a posting on your blog answering the following questions. Ted and Nicole will teach you how to publish a posting on your blog.

1.  What book or magazine did you read?  What pages did you read?  What is the title of the story, quiz, article etc?  What page numbers did you read?
2.  What did you predict your book would be about?  Were you correct in your prediction?  Explain.
3.  What interesting information did you learn that you want to share with other people?  Write about what you learned in your own words.  
4.  Why do you think it is important?
5.   What questions do you have about what you learned? 
6.  What other topics are you interested in learning about?

Assignment #1

Today you will be creating a gmail account for school purposes. 
-Your email address will be your initials of your first and last name, and the first four digits of your osis number. 
-Use the same password that you use here at school to log onto the computers. 
-This is the only window that should be open. Do not open the sneaker, music or any other website during class.
-Follow Ted and Nicole's directions to create gmail account and your blog. 
-This blog will be a public portfolio of your work. You will have something to show your employer, colleges, friends, family's and teachers. This is also going to be your final project for this class.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Nicole's Website

Link to Nicole's Website

#1 Creating Gmail Account and Starting Your Blog

-Today you will be creating a gmail account for school purposes.
-Your email address will be your initials of your first and last name, and the first four digits of your osis number.
-Use the same password that you use here at school to log onto the computers.
-This is the only window that should be open. Do not open the sneaker, music or any other website during class.
-Follow Ted and Nicole's directions to create gmail account and your blog.
-This blog will be a public portfolio of your work. You will have something to show your employer, colleges, friends, family's and teachers. This is also going to be your final project for this class.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Graphing Food Groups

I created a graph that shows how many servings in each food group a person ate everyday of the week. I chose this project because it goes along with what I teach students about. The students keep a food log, and then put their food choices into the group that they belong in. Looking back, I would add a soda and junk food serving into the food groups. Students could use the graph to see a visual representation of what they are eating everyday. This would allow them to evaluate and analyze their eating patterns. Giving them useful information to set eating goals for the following week. This is definitely a project I could see myself using in my classes.

Monday, October 20, 2008

1930's and 1940's in America

Look at the pictures from America in the 1930's and 1940's. How was life different for American's during that period of time than it is now? How is life the same for American's during this period of time? Think about work, clothes, modes of transportation, buildings etc. Write an essay comparing and contrasting life of the 1930's and 1940's and life today.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Teen Information Pamphlet Final Project


Teenage girls growing up in NYC have many challenges to face.  You are strong young smart beautiful young women finding your way in this world day by day.  Life brings each of you different challenges to face and questions to be answered.  This project will help you support each other in rising above life's challenges, and answering life's questions. 

You will create a brochure with useful information for yourselves and the people in the community.  The brochures will be similar to the ones you learned from in the Ryan Center.  However, your brochures will be better.  The information will be more useful and less corny than the ones that you learned from in the Ryan Center.  

Examples of topics you may choose to learn about and share information about.  

Diabetes, Losing Weight, Gaining Weight, Body Image, Relaxation/Stress Relief, Alcoholism, Diabetes, Asthma, Abuse, Depression, Mental Illness, Pregnancy, Motherhood, Adoption, Aids/HIV, STI's, Drugs, Exercise, Nutrition, Relationships, Sexuality, Birth Control, 

1.  Choose a topic you are interested in and passionate about to research.

2.  Use the websites on this blog to find your information. Pick at least three.  You can use websites you find on your own if your teacher approves them.

3.  Take notes on separate sheets of paper in your own handwriting and in your own words.  

 4.  Make sure to site your sources by naming the website and posting the URL address's on your notes, and on your final project.  

5.  Create a rough draft hand written brochure.  Turn it in for a grade.

6.  Turn the rough draft brochure into a computerized brochure.  Use the Rubric.


Managing my diabetes WebQuest

1. The Problem:

Jenny is a seventeen year old girl who is overweight and has been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. Jenny has to make changes in her lifestyle in order to live a long healthy life, and to avoid taking medication. What changes does Jenny have to make? How is she going to do this? Where will she find support in managing her illness?

2. Resources

American Diabetes Association
Life Clinic
Your total health
Diabetes Guide for Teens

3. Task for students

a. Give a brief description of what type 2 diabetes is, and how it will effect her health if she does not change her lifestyle and take care of herself.
b. Come up with a menu of food items that Jenny should include in her daily diet.
c. Plan a week's menu for Jenny including all of the foods she can eat, and the times she should eat them.
d. Make a list of the foods that Jenny should limit and or keep out of her diet.
e. Come up with a detailed exercise plan for Jenny.
f. Find community resources and supports for Jenny to support her in managing her diabetes.

What is a WebQuest?

A WebQuest is an inquiry based tool for teaching and learning that requires students to perform a task that is based on information from the web. Ideally, the task requires students to perform a skill that an adult citizen and/or worker may be asked to complete in the "real world." Higher order thinking skills are required from the learner in a true WebQuest.

I was most impressed by the Find a WebQuest link that allows teachers to find WebQuests for different subjects.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Greetings....My name is Nicole Marks. I am currently a health and fitness teacher at Edward A. Reynolds West Side High School on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. I was born and raised in Clearwater Fl. My Bachelor's Degree is in Special Education from Florida State University. After graduating, I moved to Atlanta and taught in middle school. During those four years, I earned my Master's Degree in Health and Kinesiology at Georgia State University. For the past five years, I have been happily living and working in Manhattan.

Professional Goals:

1. To become proficient in the use of technology as a learning tool.
2. To document student performance and achievement with video and photos.
3. To inspire students to eat healthy and exercise so that they may live their best lives.

Vision for Blogging

I imagine using the blog as a reference for students to find websites for research and information. It will be a place for the class to write about and comment on topics discussed in class, and movies/ videos watched. I would like to post assignments for students to access and download. Eventually, I want to post student video's and pictures on the blog.