Monday, December 1, 2008

Assignment #3 World Aids Day

1. Look for your name on the blog. If it is not there, check with Nicole.

2. Help someone who was not here on Tues. to set up her blog.

3. Complete and Edit Assignment #2. Check to make sure you wrote in complete sentences, proper english (not texting or email writing). Check punctuation and grammer.

4. Complete the world Aids Day assignment.

World Aids Day December 1st
World Aids Day Website

Blog about what you learned from the website.
Anwer the following questions
1. What does HIV and AIDS stand for?
2. List all of the ways that HIV is transmitted.
3. What action can you take to prevent the spread of HIV AIDS?
4. Choose one of the fact sheets and share the infrormation that you learned from it on your blog.
5. Share this blog with a friend, or a relative to educate him or her about the HIV epedemic

1 comment:

[_Nikki Reyes_] said...

Hey Nicole!
Im not coming in today;
Because my tooth is driving me crazy,
Im on percesets...
however you spell the damn pills name...
its working like a charm
too good actually i feel like i'm going to knock out..

Remember in class I was talking about that guy that speads AIDS to young women, he posted it up on youtube?
Well, if you'd like today in class you can stop on my blog and watch the video...
I posted it on World Aids Day....

See You Wednesday!
Bye Everyone