What is dating violence? Have you ever experienced it? What does it look like? What does it sound like?
These are the questions we will be investigating over the next week. Today each of you will post comments on my blog instead of writing on your own blogs.
We only have ten days of school left. Make sure you get all of your work turned in, and make up your sexual anatomy test if you have not taken it yet.
1. Go to Love is Respect and watch the video by clicking on the triangle in the pink graffitti on the top left side of the page. Answer the question.. What is love?
2. On the same page sign the petition "Moms and Dads for education to stop teen dating abuse."
3. What does abuse look like and sound like to be abused? Go to Is This Abuse? and answer the f0llowing questions in your own words. After you answer each question in your own words based on the information from the website tell the reader whether you agree or disagree and why.
a. Are you being abused?
b. Are you an abuser ?
c. Which "real life" story is the most realistic?
d. What makes a healthy relationship?
e. What facts about dating abuse surprised you the most?
f. Based on everything you learned what does dating abuse look like, sound like, and feel like?
Monday, January 12, 2009
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1. What is love? Love is trust, sincere and its all about respect.
Love is friendship on fire.
3. What does abuse look like and sound like to be abused? There's alot of different types of abuse. In my opionion verbal/mental abuse is the worst one. You shouldn't be with someone that makes you feel that you cannot amount to anything without them in the world. Then there's the physical abuse; honey one word of advice..if your own father didn't beat you...what makes it okay for him to do so to you? Your man is supposed to protect you, from people that are trying to hurt you. Not you protect yourself from him and the whole world. Cause then why are you with him?
Go to Is This Abuse? and answer the f0llowing questions in your own words. whether you agree or disagree and why.
a. Are you being abused? Sometimes but I've seen worst.
b. Are you an abuser ? Only when Im following my intuition.
c. Which "real life" story is the most realistic?
d. What makes a healthy relationship? Just talking, making sure you still have time for friends and family while being involved with someone.
e. What facts about dating abuse surprised you the most?the texting and the iming excessively was intresting to me because when I had a cell phone and my bf had his...I would be in school while hes at work and we would text eachother everytime we have free time with "i love you's , missing you crazies, and on my note; "can you pick me up from school today?" Hahaha. You know we really enjoy texting eachother and I dont get mad when he takes long to respond and neither does he. We're just saps for eachother.
f. Based on everything you learned what does dating abuse look like, sound like, and feel like? Abusive relationships is one of the 3 things, you know you're in one, you know you should leave them but you cant because you're scared.
you dont know you're in an abusive relationship, you cant see your friends, havent seen your family in a while and even when you're with them you still feel alone.
and last but not least there is the physical abuse; although not all relationships have this abuse...i think this is the worst one, a jealous boyfriend trying to control, to overprotect. He See's that you are you're own person, He see's this & gets scared so he has two choices he can mentally abuse you or physically abuse you. He cannot abuse mentally you're too smart for his own good. So he beats you, in places no one sees but you. Now you're afraid to live to your highest potential afraid to leave him because he might hurt your family.
But the smart choice is to leave him no matter what; ignore him always be in places where pedestrians are. Because if you wait too late he might beat you so bad that you may not live to see the next day.
Take care of yourself ladies.
Rembember we're all here for eachother./
(Adonnia Shamblee)
3. a. Are you being abused?
- NO
b. Are you an abuser ?
- NO
c. Which "real life" story is the most realistic?
- When her boyfriend had attempted to kick in the door to her home the night before.
d. What makes a healthy relationship?
- Less arguing and jealousy. Being able to communicate with one another to voice opinions, problems etc. If things can be avoided/prevented such as fighting especially over little things then that would build up a healthy relationship also.
e. What facts about dating abuse surprised you the most?
- Nearly 1 in 4 girls who have been in a relationship (23%) reported going further sexually than they wanted as a result of pressure.
f. Based on everything you learned what does dating abuse look like, sound like, and feel like?
- To me, dating abuse looks like weakness and misery because if you can sit there and hurt the person you're suppose to be in love with, means that you don't care about their feelings and have no respect for them. Misery because it loves company and if you are angry all the time and you have nothing to do besides take everything out on your boyfriend/girlfriend, this is unhealthy. It sounds like a lot of Lies and harsh words being said to one another and feels hurtful to know that someone you gave your all to could break your heart so bad.
love is about trust an respect.abuse look and sound like some one that you think u love calling you names masking you feel like you not important
a. Are you being abused?No am not getting abused
b. Are you an abuser ? no am not an abuser because i would not like if some one do abuse me
c. Which "real life" story is the most realistic?
d. What makes a healthy relationship?a healthy relationship is when you can talk to each other,Less arguing and less jealousy.
e. What facts about dating abuse surprised you the most?- Nearly 1 in 4 girls who have been in a relationship (23%) reported going further sexually than they wanted as a result of pressure.
f. Based on everything you learned what does dating abuse look like, sound like, and feel like? 1 in 3 girls between the ages of 16 and 18 say sex is expected for people their age if they're in a relationship; half of teen girls who have experienced sexual pressure report they are afraid the relationship would break up if they did not give in.
a.I am not being abused
b.I am not an abuser
c.mostly all of them because I witnessed most of the stories
d.What makes a healthy relationship is honesty and respect for one another. To fell comfortable and cares for ones needs.
e.One fact about dating abuse that surprised me most was jealousy is a sign of abuse getting jealous easily about who your partner communicates with
f.dating abuse could be when a couples talks very inappropriate 2 each other or when a couple doesn't communicate or if a partner touches the other partner in an in appropriate way
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