Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dating abuse quiz

1.  Take the Quiz Dating Abuse Fact or Fiction  How did you score?  What did you learn?  What did you agree with?  What did you disagree with?

2.  Read Healthy vs unhealthy relationships.  What is the difference? Compare and Contrast the two.  Give a real life example. 

3.  From the same website give three statistics that you learned.

4.  Go to teen dating facts.  Which five statistics are the most shocking and alarming to you?

5.  What numbers can a teen call for help if they are victims of sexual abuse?  Dating violence?  physical abuse?  Crisis Hotline  Put those numbers in your cell phone if you have one. 


ashley said...

i think that abuse has to be stopped it a really bad thing to do to someone ... it makes someone feel bad ii have experienced some abuse but now the person is going to jail for a long time ....


Jessi M said...

I honestly think that the abuse is getting worse within the communtiy. I've seen boyfriends beat their girlz up in public palces as if no one was watching,i can only imagine what goes on at home.