Monday, September 15, 2008


Greetings....My name is Nicole Marks. I am currently a health and fitness teacher at Edward A. Reynolds West Side High School on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. I was born and raised in Clearwater Fl. My Bachelor's Degree is in Special Education from Florida State University. After graduating, I moved to Atlanta and taught in middle school. During those four years, I earned my Master's Degree in Health and Kinesiology at Georgia State University. For the past five years, I have been happily living and working in Manhattan.

Professional Goals:

1. To become proficient in the use of technology as a learning tool.
2. To document student performance and achievement with video and photos.
3. To inspire students to eat healthy and exercise so that they may live their best lives.

Vision for Blogging

I imagine using the blog as a reference for students to find websites for research and information. It will be a place for the class to write about and comment on topics discussed in class, and movies/ videos watched. I would like to post assignments for students to access and download. Eventually, I want to post student video's and pictures on the blog.