Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dating abuse quiz

1.  Take the Quiz Dating Abuse Fact or Fiction  How did you score?  What did you learn?  What did you agree with?  What did you disagree with?

2.  Read Healthy vs unhealthy relationships.  What is the difference? Compare and Contrast the two.  Give a real life example. 

3.  From the same website give three statistics that you learned.

4.  Go to teen dating facts.  Which five statistics are the most shocking and alarming to you?

5.  What numbers can a teen call for help if they are victims of sexual abuse?  Dating violence?  physical abuse?  Crisis Hotline  Put those numbers in your cell phone if you have one. 

Monday, January 12, 2009

Teen Dating Violence

What is dating violence? Have you ever experienced it? What does it look like? What does it sound like?

These are the questions we will be investigating over the next week. Today each of you will post comments on my blog instead of writing on your own blogs.

We only have ten days of school left. Make sure you get all of your work turned in, and make up your sexual anatomy test if you have not taken it yet.

1. Go to Love is Respect and watch the video by clicking on the triangle in the pink graffitti on the top left side of the page. Answer the question.. What is love?
2. On the same page sign the petition "Moms and Dads for education to stop teen dating abuse."
3. What does abuse look like and sound like to be abused? Go to Is This Abuse? and answer the f0llowing questions in your own words. After you answer each question in your own words based on the information from the website tell the reader whether you agree or disagree and why.
a. Are you being abused?
b. Are you an abuser ?
c. Which "real life" story is the most realistic?
d. What makes a healthy relationship?
e. What facts about dating abuse surprised you the most?
f. Based on everything you learned what does dating abuse look like, sound like, and feel like?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Why Do Girls Have Sex?

1.  Read the different stories about why girls have sex in your packet, Why do Girls Have Sex? from the book called Virgin Sex for Girls.
2.  Which story did you like the best?  Why?
3.  What are the names of the characters?  
4.  Write a four sentence summary of what happened in the story.
5.  What would you have done if you were the girl in this story?  Why?

Post your answers to these questions on your blog.  You should write in complete sentences so that the reader knows what you are talking about without reading the questions above.  Start your story with a sentence similar to, "I read the chapter Why Do Girls Have Sex? in the book titled, Virgin Sex for Girls.  My favorite story was........."
If you did not finish the assignment about female anatomy do so now.  You may also use it to review for your test on Friday.